Environmental Test Software

Rota Teknik Test Control software is a complementary element of a test system and one of the important components required for the system to work. It enables well-engineered hardware to come together and work as desired. In parallel with the development of technology, it is the longest-lasting component in the system. Rota Teknik has developed the software modules that may be needed in a test system by using the most up-to-date technologies at the highest level. As a prominent part of our expertise in test systems, we aim for the highest level of test experience.


Main Features:

● Developed as Modular & Dynamic architecture, ● Look and Feel approach across all single or multiple systems, ● User and resource friendly application, ● Dynamic data display panels that can be opened in different types and unlimited number of times, ● User events and critical system data record to SQL and NoSQL database systems, ● High-resolution and high-speed, flexible data acquisition and logging system ● Real-time applications with FPGA, ● Progressive web application (PWA) that allows platform-independent remote monitoring ● Crash prevention, warning and action system with double-stage indication of system limits, ● Showing the causes and solutions of malfunctions that may occur in the system ● Calibration option to correct measurement uncertainty, ● Recipe-based sequence generation and automatic execution where you can specify test steps, ● An organized list of procedures that describes step by step the operations that need to be performed in the software, ● Calculation tool with preloaded mathematical formulas, ● Authorization-based application usage, ● Easy access to software data with your code using ready-made API, ● Language support


Climatic Room Test Systems Software

We provide software with precise control to subject the products you develop to environmental tests. We realize your demands such as desired temperature and humidity at the most critical levels.


Mobile Climatic Test Systems Software

If your products are too big to move, we have solutions for them. With mobile climatic test systems software, you can condition the environment you want and follow the measurement results instantly from anywhere. With the environmental test systems software we have developed, you no longer have any product left untested.